All I could see in the data sheet said maximum 6V on all I/O pins too. What's the point of having an open drain output then? Stewart. >>ra.4 can be pulled as high as 14v iirc on the f84 part, should be fine, >>so long as your 12v supply doesn't spike or anything >> >> mark > >i am not saying mark is right or wrong here but i would ask for a second >opinion before doing something as drastic as this. i just had a quick >look at the specs to confirm my suspicion and i did not see anything off hand >that would suggest you can do this. iirc only the 17cxx parts have high >voltage >pins (and some new 16c5x family member in the future parts list.) > >jim > >>stewart pye wrote: >>> >>> hi.... >>> >>> i'm interfacing a 16f84 to a 4051 analog mux with a 12v supply. >>> is it safe to put a 10k pullup resistor to +12v from the open drain output >>> ra4?. >>> >>> thanks >>> stewart. >> >________________________________________ >email: > >warp-13 sale now on. $48usd with world delivery. >mplab compatible pic programmers and firmware >upgrades for many programmers. >________________________________________ >