Sounds good to me Aaron - you would make it freeware would'nt you :))) Great idea. With my limited abilities the lack of analog io in mplab makes things a little difficult at times. rob Modular simulation: Thoughts of a drunken programmer Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:16:45 -0500 From: Aaron Martin Sitting here please with myself for getting my development environment finally up, I can up with an idea: Consider that someone(people) develope or taking existing simulation software of a PIC 16xxx. This software mearly drives I/Os, A/D, etc.. but only to the point of the pins on the chip, no further. Further, consider exporting a Windows API (say, a DLL) which allows the developer to "ATTACH" modules which can be wired up to the module, where they can connect to pins, and by default connect to the clock (so they can match timing, and work (or break) accordingly). An example could be as simple as an LED,LCD, thermostat, etc. Next, consider that DLL has the ability to input to be driven with a UI, for example a thermostat may allow you to change the temp by moving a slider... an LED may have no inputs, and a LCD may display... All are driven through the input pins and use native x86 (or whatever cpu) code to display the results, which can be modeled against the CLOCK thats being driven in. The result: A representation of a PIC where modules can be plugged in without actually existing, but code can be developed real-time for it... Just an idea, Aaron