Since this happened a week ago, I'm not certain I can reproduce it, but I was wondering if anyone had seen this before. I didn't get a chance to write this up until today. A coworker and I have been working on a PIC16C76-based circuit, and we noticed something odd -- the values returned in ADRES would be erratic if the AD clock was set to run at a low speed. We were running at 4MHz and the AD clock was set to 32Tosc, so the AD should have had 8us to do the conversions; the data sheet suggested a minimum of 1.6us was required. The problem went away when I changed the AD clock to 8Tosc, which gave a conversion time of 2us. We had the thing in a big loop, doing a variety of stuff. We only had a single A/D input, and neither A/D conversion time nor power consumption was an issue, but access to a recent result when needed was an issue. So each time through the loop, we'd check the GO/DONE bit. If it was clear, we'd copy the result to a file register and set GO again. If it was set we'd just go on and do the rest of the event loop and check later. What was hapenning was that each time the conversion completed we'd get a different answer, even if the input didn't change. All the TRIS and ADCON settings were checked and triple-checked, and they were right. In one case, we called a bunch of code in the loop, and the result would be quite erratic and eventually would just get stuck at an erronious result. In another, we commented out the call to a big part of the code; then the result would cycle through three different values, only one of them valid. We only commented out the goto, not the code itself, so there was only one line changed (this was being done in MPASM) but it resulted in a whole bunch of dead code. Curiously, if some different code that did nothing but the A/D conversion was used, the results were the normal, as-expected value. My co-worker tried it on the Picmaster, and there seemed to be no explanation for it. So I took it and put it on the Clear View Matthias, and it didn't see anything, either. My CVM has the advanced PIC16Cxx module, so I set data breakpoints on ADRES and ADCON. Nothing in the big loop ever touched the AD subsystem, as far as I could tell; the only things that ever messed with the AD was the code we were focusing on. (The big loop is the emWare emMicro code, and a bunch of it is still a mystery to us, not having read it all; there *is* AD stuff in the emWare code but it had been disabled). After staring at it in the CVM for a couple of hours, I finally just made a total wild-ass guess and changed the AD clock to 8Tosc from 32Tosc. The problem went totally away. No other changes had to be made to the code to fix the problem. It seemed as if something burried in the AD subsystem was being affected by the amount of code that was executed in the loop. Interrupts were enabled, but not for the AD subsystem, and the CVM never showed the PIC taking the ISR path. I don't think that it was the CVM, because the same thing happened on the Picmaster (I suppose it could be a bondout glitch). We never tried it with a real 16C76. Has anyone ever seen this or its like before? Thanks, --Bob -- ============================================================ Bob Drzyzgula It's not a problem until something bad happens ============================================================