Not intended as PIC-bashing, but anyone used these? They seem like a nice chip... 32KB/64KB Flash code space, 512/1024 bytes RAM, external memory support, Programable Counter Array (I got an application for that...) 7-source/4-level interrupts, comes in PDIP, QFP and PLCC, runs up to 33MHz, and best of all it has a serial-port bootloader in the mask, that can be overriden with your own bootloader by changing the boot vector. Main downside IMHO is no ADC and only one UART. They cost from $5 for the 512B/32KB version in quantity 500+, to $10 for the 1KB/32KB version in smaller quantities (Avnet seems to be the main source in the US, has online pricing). They also have ROMless, mask ROM and OTP versions, but without the bootloader of course. I've ordered a few of the flash RC+ in PDIP to tinker with, but I was wondering if any of y'all had run into them before. --Bob ============================================================ Bob Drzyzgula It's not a problem until something bad happens ============================================================