I am officially announcing my web site which contains information on: PIC uControllers, DMX-512, Phase Controlled light dimming, Rotary encoders; and a very little bit on TI graphing Calculators and power supply stuff. No banners or frames, only necessary graphics (well, there is *one* unnecessary graphic on my home page ;-) http://ubasics.com/adam Notably: I copied Dave Tait's PIC archive and links pages, and have verified/modified every link on the archive page, and about half the links on the link page. I am planning on forming them into a searchable db of some form, and adding my own large list as well. PIC ARCHIVE (no graphics on page): http://www.ubasics.com/adam/pic/archive.shtml PIC LINKS (no graphics on page): http://www.ubasics.com/adam/pic/piclinks.shtml DMX-512 (no graphics on page): http://www.ubasics.com/adam/electronics/dmx512.shtml AC Phase Control (some graphics for diagrams and schematics): http://www.ubasics.com/adam/electronics/doc/phasecon.shtml Enjoy! -Adam Davis adam@ubasics.com