I have completed a signal generator that uses the Analog Devices AD9850 DDS. The generator has the following features: - Uses two 16F84 microcontrollers, one for a 4x4 keyboard, the other for LCD, encoder, DDS, shift-register as DAC - Range 0.1 - 40MHz - Steps selectable from 1, 10, 100Hz, 1, 10kHz - Step multiplier selectable from 1-9 - Frequency entry through keyboard in 1Hz precision - Keyboard commands to sweep frequency up or down - Keyboard command to 'wobble' frequency in 250 steps, with corresponding DAC voltage for oscilloscope X-input. - Output level from 0 - +10dBm, level is held constant within 1dB over range. The 'wobble' function is particularly useful for making measurements on filters. Using a log-detector whose output is connected to an oscillocope Y-input and the DAC output to the X-input, the filter's response can be observed on the oscilloscope screen. 'Wobbling' is rather slow, I use an old memory scope for this purpose. The combination of selectable step / multiplier allows for flexibility in choosing a 'wobble' range. When using 1Hz steps, the 'wobble' range could be 250 Hz (mult=1) to 2250 Hz (mult=9), for 10kHz steps, this would be 250kHz - 22.5MHz. Documentation, schematics, sources are available at: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/9595/ Note that this is a hobbiest project. The result is not a professional piece of test equipment, but rather an example of how one could construct a cheap alternative, useful for homebrewing RF stuff. Comments are welcome, Charlos Potma charlos.potma@rivm.nl