I am emailing the Pic Microcontroller Discussion list to request help in locating galvanic skin response (GSR) circuit designs. My motivation here is to help a family member with a rare, and life threatening health disorder, whose process begins with increasing perspiration while sleeping. The end result of one of these episodes is similar to a very severe epileptic seizure. Needless to say that this family member's health severely deteriorates with each occurrence, including some close brushes with death. So identifying GSR circuit designs is key to developing a microcontroller based device to "alert" family members of this condition, and take actions, such as give medication, ..., etc. Herein lies the reason for this email. While various web search engine searches have uncovered some "hobbyist" level GSR schematics, I cannot judge the quality, or reliability of the circuitry. So here are a few ideas on how PICList readers could be of assistance: - Can you think of any useful & reliable GSR designs you may have seen in the past ?? - Note that since GSR's are one of the key sensors used in polygraphs or lie detectors, maybe you have seen something as part of projects under those names. - Are you aware of any university or research work in this area ? - Can you think of any useful reference design sources ?? - Who are some of the more knowledgeable circuit designers you have come across ?? Where can you refer me ?? Thanks in advance for your feedback and suggestions. Sincerely, Peter Krey