> Van: Simon Redwood <spredwood@sri-net.demon.co.uk>
> Onderwerp: 24c02 eeprom read problems
> Datum: donderdag 24 juni 1999 1:04
> Pleeease HELP !
> I am unable to read the information in an 24C02 eeprom, I can
> write to any address, but all reads return a 'FF', irrelevant of the
> information held in them, which I know to be valid data.
> How can I set the port up to read instead of write on the data lines esp.
> DATA_0(pin 2)

Simon, I did send you an ASCII drawing to interface a 24Cxx to a standard
Printer-port connector.  Did you receive it ?

I'm using it here, connected to the Programming-adapter (IC-foot) with four
lose wires of about a meter, and it did not fail me once (in over a year)

  Rudy Wieser