See: for a full list. 20-Jun-99 10% DonTronics Digital Credit Voucher 15-Jun-99 LCD test program for PIC16F877 on a SimmStick. 14-Jun-99 Programming the PIC16F877 on a SimmStick. 13-Jun-99 Using a Dallas DS1302 real time clock chip and an 89C2051 to make an alarm clock. 12-Jun-99 DT106** 40 Pin PICmicro mainly for the new PIC16F877 (** Suggested Design) 12-Jun-1999 BASCOM-AVR AVR BASIC Compiler. Demo release details. 11-Jun-99 DonTronics welcomes your input for new SimmSick designs. 10-Jun-99 "Serial PIC'n" is a comprehensive book which details various methods for implementing serial communications between a Microchip PIC microcontroller and an external device. Asynchronous serial communications is covered both by using an on-chip USART and by bit-bang methods. 2-Jun-1999 DT102 RS-485/232 Mini-Terminal on a 2.5 Inch SimmStick platform. And we are having a heck of a job trying to give someone $500USD Don McKenzie Don's Download Dungeon: Australian Electronics Ring Win $500USD Cash. Micro design contest: