Hi, if you mean UNIX = Linux, then you can enter in a huge, and the world's fastest developping market niche. Imre On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Igor Korchoun wrote: > Hi, PicListers, pls advise. > > Today one of our customer ask about UNIX compatible software for our > programmer PICPROG > (now we have DOS and W9x/NT support only) http://www.ts.aha.ru/english. > Is it good idea to make UNIX compatible software for programmer at all? > Or may be it is crazy idea and it was sole customer in the world? > > With best regards, > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Igor V. Korchoun > P.O. Box 232, Zelenograd, Moscow 103575, Russia > tel: +7(095)5301001(5 lines), 5310063 fax: 5314840 > E-mail: ts@aha.ru > WWW site in Russian: http://www.ts.aha.ru > WWW site in English : http://www.ts.aha.ru/english > >