Hi Friends, Problem: RB4 set as gpio don't simulate wake-up on pin change. Mplab V4.1 solved varius problem , in simulator, with pic 16C505. We know that simulate pic with multiples gpio, we have change in menu "option", then "hadware setup" and then "processor" by common consent with our config. Config I choose: __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _IntRC_OSC_RB4EN , and on the mplab simulator, menu processor, I select "Internal RC No Clock" and no MCLR. All, rb0, rb1, rb3, wake-up from sleep on pin change, respond right( with assyncronous stimulus), only rb4 no. Does anyone know why? Thanks. ******************************** Roberto Guimaraes e-mail rodelta@wnet.com.br ********************************