Jim, See my web page :- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/steve_lawther/charlcd.htm for example circuit and code for 4 bit mode (it's written for the 16C84 but a check on the configuration word and a recompile should get it working on a 16F84) hope it helps, Steve Lawther > -----Original Message----- > From: Jim Schneringer [SMTP:jschner@EARTHLINK.NET] > Sent: 18 June 1999 07:29 > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: 4-Bit LCD Code > > Hello all! > I have been lurking around for sometime and thought it was about > time I came out of the shadows. > I just got into programming PICs a couple months ago and bought a Warp-3 > from Jim Robertson. What a nice feeling it is to program a 16F84 for the > first time. For some reason the wife just doesn't understand. > Anyway, I have programmed LEDs and multiplexed LED displays already. > Now I'm going to try my hand at an LCD 8x2 character display with the > Hitachi controller. I'm looking for a simple, non-serial example of the > 4-bit LCD programming method for a 16F84 that I can tear apart and > learn. If you can steer me towards an example code I would appreciate > it. > > Thanks, > > Jim Schneringer