At 05:45 18/06/99 +0200, you wrote: >The first Aussie to mention the 'C'-word will be unsubscribed ! > >Uhm, well congratulations, I suppose. Sheez. > >-- >Friendly Regards /"\ > \ / >Tjaart van der Walt X ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN > / \ AGAINST HTML MAIL >|--------------------------------------------------| >| GSM Technology for Positioning and Telematics | >| Cellpoint Systems SA | >| | >| WGS84 -26.0124 +28.1129 Voice +27 (0)11 2545100 | >|--------------------------------------------------| > > C R I C K E T ,and you LOST LOST LOST LOST Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Dare you to unsubscribe! I am using matchsticks to keep the eyelids open, should not have done that I need to studdy for my masters. Dennis