Recently I've done a little research on some PIC16C5x and PIC16Cxxx. As an exercise I work on Real Time Clock (RTC) from Microchip Application Notes. I've some question on power down and battery backup application. I hope you could help me how to solve these problems. 1) Instead of using TIMER1 what else I can use for the low power RTC? Any suggestion for PIC16C54A? 2) Is it possible to backup the internal RAM content during power down using external battery? How? 3) If possible what is the battery hardware design? Thanks. Best regards, Mohd Zoolhelmy Johan (Project Development Engineer) RCT Electrical Engineering Sdn Bhd No 14 Jln Tengku Ampuan Zabedah 9/A 40000 Shah Alam Selangor DE Malaysia email: Tel : +603.553.5905 Fax : +603.553.5906