Andrew Russell Morris wrote: > >I recently started using the '508 and I'm having problems with the sleep >mode. The program runs fine one time, but will not run after the chip goes >; At blast time: >; MCLRE = EXT >; CP = OFF >; WDT = ON >; FOSC = INT > >;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >--------------- > > include c:\progra~1\mplab\ > > MOVWF OSCCAL > BTFSS STATUS,3 ;Was reset due to sleep? Skip next line >if not > GOTO STRT It looks like you're using the watchdog timer to wake up the chip. If this is so, STATUS,3 will be set by the WDT (see status register description). You may also want to look at bit 4 to see if the WDT did time out. Jim Nagy Elm Electronics ICs for Experimenters