She & I have parted now, actually - Which is fine, I wasn't getting what I wanted; she chose a method I disagree with, though. So, I'm looking for work while TOO out of practice, looking for a new place to live, and really looking forward to (eventually) a new relationship that works; I'll slide out of here gracefully as possible (nothing against her attendant, he's a good guy, nor a need to hurt her "despite it all", I want to get not mad, nor even, but AHEAD WAY ahead.) I wish her luck finding anyone else who'll give her help.* in return for /dev/null, though. Patience taken too far is not always a good idea; I'll try to learn from that! But, for the NEXT girlfriend, maybe that's a really GOOD thing to track I'll give you credit for the idea, Bob Mark Bob Blick wrote: > > I dunno Mark, sounds like you're trying to program your PDA to warn you > which days of the month to be real polite to your girlfriend :-)