Dave (& Ann) Scott wrote: > Actually it's the only way I knew to build it with 16F84s only having > one timer. Also, I couldn't figure out how to get to a 5-30 min. > timer AND drive a servo with a single operating frequency/crystal. Here's the problem. It's called "programming". Perhaps we can help; this discussion seems to have become bogged down on absurdities such as slaving one chip from another rather than dealing with the problem of performing the task in question. To perform these two tasks, you write a program loop using what is called "isosynchronous" code to alternately count out your PWM interval and your timing interval on each iteration of the loop. It depends on how fine your servo control needs to be. If you need finer control than can be achieved that way (and I begin to think you may with a 4 MHz PIC) then you use a counting loop to generate the servo pulse and TMR0 with the prescaler to count time. This is made much easier by using a "binary" crystal such as 4.096 MHz (assuming you want clock accuracy). Set prescale to 16 and you time out every 4 ms. That's plenty of time in which to perform a servo pulse counted in software; indeed I'm not sure you want to generate servo pulses too often anyway. Usually, every 10 ms or so. On each TMR0 overflow you count down from 125, when you reach zero that's one second and you count them to obtain your minutes, etc... So, immediately after each second, third or fifth such rollover, you run the 1-2 ms servo pulse routine, then go back to waiting for TMR0 rollover. If you have to perform some routine to obtain the value for the servo output, you do that during the other intervals. Note also that for the time counting, it is sufficient that you process the overflow anytime before the *second* overflow (with leeway), so if you use 4 ms overflows (prescale 16, 4.096 MHz crystal), providing you start a task immediately after an overflow, you have up to 7 ms to complete it before returning to the "wait for overflow" loop. Perhaps you could explain your task better and we can see how to fit this algorithm to it? -- Cheers, Paul B.