At 07:59 PM 10/06/1999 -0500, you wrote: > I was experimenting with a 32.768kHz crystal on my PIC to get "long, accurate times" and found that it wouldn't work...I am connecting it to both osc pins and then putting two 22pf capicitors to ground off of each pin.... but it doesn't work. Could it be the cap values? if so, what values should I use? thanks... > > >Jonathan Newport Values may be different for different PIC-types and different for different brands of crystals. In general, the larger the cap's the more current is consumed, the more stable the osc. gets and the slower it starts. By the way, it is voltage dependent also.- Some brands of watch crystals works well, others hardly at all in a specific application. There seems to be two types of cylindrical cans. By some reasons, larger cans seems easier to get moving than smaller cans (but some surface mount crystals are fine!). I would recommend you to experiment with caps and resistors and try test start and functioning over the whole range of possible supply voltage and temperatures relevant for your stuff. A safe set up for a midrange PIC may be: |--------| -----osc0-----| 33K |-----| |--------| | | ------osc1 ------|-|XTAL|----| | | | | 47pf --- ---- 100pf --- ---- | | | | gnd ------------------ This works well for Vsupply 3-5.5V. Best luck, Hans