10/6/'99 Hello PICkers, [Multi layered flame suit on] Isn't it great how we nearly all latch onto a topic, and well may perhaps loose sight of the real intentions. So what do I mean? Well I am looking at this C stuff that is being bannered around, and the mine is bigger than yours type responses. But that is just a side issue. The real reasons for C is:- TIME TO MARKET Why worry if compiler X produces more code than compiler Y, as long as it gets you to the market place before Fred Nurke and his U-bute hand coded assembly? OK so you may have a speed issue or a memory limitation, but they can be worked out by hand, bigger chip or faster processor. Remember that it is 5% of the code that causes 90% of the problems. So your trusty C compiler will do the hard work, and you only need to attend to the "Important" stuff that causes the product NOT TO WORK as required. IF IT WORKS AND FITS WHO CARES Only you do! COST IMPACT Yes agreed that there may be cause to worry about this if the compiler causes you to use a larger chip on a cost sensitive product. But again hand crafting the bits that matter may simply resolve this. YOU TOO CAN HAVE A LIFE Getting the product to the market place on time means that you will not loose your week ends, hey who is that woman in my bed-> Its the wife! EASE OF MAINTENANCE Yep, good one, take a look at some real tricky assembler that you created some 3 years ago, how long does it take to figure out what it does? A HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE MAKES LIFE EASY See all of the above :) Dennis [Multi layered flame suit off]