Marc, Lot of good ideas so far but I'll throw in my 2 cents worth as well. I have used a piezo element driven directly from a PIC16C63 by two port pins. The PIC has good sink/source drive specs so I think extra buffering is a waste of time with just a 5V supply. The port lines are toggled alternately to give maximum possible AC drive, and yes resonant frequency is important to get maximum volume. To turn the sound off just stop toggling and take both lines low or high. You could leave one line low and one line high but some piezo manufacturers say DC for extended periods can damage or degrade the device. I also found that "warbling" around the resonant freq made the tone somehow more noticeable, especially when there was background noise. A monotone also seemed to have dead spots in volume as I moved around in the room. I could try and get really scientific about this, but perhaps the dead spots equated to dead brain cells located between my two ears. Note: with current exchange rate 2 NZ cents equals 1 US cent. Brent Brown Electronic Design Solutions & HI-TECH Software Reseller 16 English Street Hamilton, New Zealand Toll Free: 0508 HITECH (0508 448 324) Ph/fax: +64 7 849 0069 Mobile: 025 334 069 eMail: