Craig, How long does it take you to compile or assemble your PIC program? More than 3 minutes? I would question whether an improvement in compiler, assembler, or editor speeds that you might obtain from Linus tools would outweigh the advantage of using the MicroChip integrated development environment. Steve Buckser Craig Lee on 06/07/99 01:06:58 PM Please respond to pic microcontroller discussion list To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU cc: (bcc: Steve Buckser/Marketing/San Leandro/Prescolite) Subject: Opinions and availability of Linux development tools for PIC I am sick and tired of the sluggish response of my windows development and productivity-NOT tools. I really don't believe that a Pentium 166 with 64MB of memory should run as slow as my 286 did back 11 years ago! Those of you who are successfully using Linux tools for microcontroller development in C, could you respond to me with your comments. Thanks, Craig