Anders Widgren wrote: > > >Anders made sweeping claims. I would also like to see an example of his resea rch findings. > >So, how about it, Anders? Let's have a look and see... > >Friendly Regards /"\ > >Tjaart van der Walt X ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN > > The last time I did a more serious comparison between PIC C-compilers was in 1 995. The problem was to come up with code that would work under several of these rather simple C-compilers. It would be much more interesting to use code from a n actual "typical" project. I might do something like that during the summer. Th e code below compiled by CC5X for a 16C67 device resulted in 238 instructions an d 13 RAM bytes. How much code does your compiler generate for the same code? Of course, in a real project I would probably use a look-up table instead of a case structure. (CC5X has a skip() instructions that automatically generates checked look-up tables.) I am hoping someone else will run this through MPC. I haven't the time. It will be interesting.... -- Friendly Regards /"\ \ / Tjaart van der Walt X ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN / \ AGAINST HTML MAIL |--------------------------------------------------| | Cellpoint Systems SA | |--------------------------------------------------| | | | WGS84 : -26.0124 +28.1129 | | Voice : +27 (0)11 2545100 | |--------------------------------------------------|