> I recently bought the CCS PCM PIC C Compiler. I havent gotten around > to using it much, but I compiled some of their sample programs to get > aquainted with it. I took a look at the code it generated and it seemed > that it had a lot of overhead. Just the little sample program used 33% of > an F84 program space. I have plans of a 2 pic project (a 72 and an F84) and > it seems that the compiler will eat up memory so fast that I will run out. > I dont want to spend the time writing the code in C only to find out I ran > out of memory and that I have to start over writing in assembly. Is running > out of memory a common occurance with C compilers? > Very dependant on the code you are compiling ... I have a number of CCS programs that are very small; a look through the listings revealed a few "wasted" instructions, but mostly I am happy. If you are compiling programs with software RS232 or "demanding" maths (eg: 16bit, floating point, division, etc) then a chunk of code will be used up to give you those features ... but then you will find that additional code you write will not be so greedy, because the library code is now already present. Typically C programs will be larger than hand assembled if you are a good programmer; if you are not so good as assembly code, the C will be as good as you, or perhaps better ... I suggest that if you are sure you could code into the small PIC memory, the C compiler will be able to also ... provided that you do not use C features (like floating point) which you would not have used if writing in assembler. Ian C.