I recently bought the CCS PCM PIC C Compiler.   I havent gotten around
to using it much, but I compiled some of their sample programs to get
aquainted with it.  I took a look at the code it generated and it seemed
that it had a lot of overhead.  Just the little sample program used 33% of
an F84 program space.  I have plans of a 2 pic project (a 72 and an F84) and
it seems that the compiler will eat up memory so fast that I will run out.
I dont want to spend the time writing the code in C only to find out I ran
out of memory and that I have to start over writing in assembly.  Is running
out of memory a common occurance with C compilers?

[OT]...If anyone has used the Boulder Creek Engineering Pod-A-Lyzer and care
to share their thoughts, email me.



                 Mike Montalvo
          G-FORCE Motorsports