Slightly OT. I remember from a long time ago, seeing an way of getting low power from thin air. You need a circuit resonant at the frequency of your local AM transmitter, an antenna and earth and a rectifier tapped into the coil. Instant free energy. With the low power requirements of a PIC it just might be possible!(When I tried it I found I needed a longish wire antenna - but I also needed several milliamps) Anyone else tried this? Richard > -----Original Message----- > From: Donald Riedinger [mailto:drr9@HOME.COM] > Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 12:32 PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: data over DC power lines > > > Data over DC power lines? How about parasite power derived from the > communication line? It's easier to half wave rectify and > filter data to > power a PIC than to drive data into a battery. Maybe it's just > perspective or nomenclature. Have you ever seen > and their 1-wire (tm) chips? Cool. And, > "Remember: credit card orders are limited to 10 pieces or less except > for iButton products". Can you believe that from a major chip manf.? > > Don >