How about clocking the PIC from a simple RC, monitor the AC line (through a transformer & diode & series resistor to a PIC input pin) to give you a 60Hz timebase, and then monitor your other signal through another PIC input pin, then run a counter off the 60Hz clock input? For measuring the input frequency, there's been a 16F84 Frequency Counter around, but I don't see it just now where I remember it being last (Anyone know the facts on that?) Given a 60Hz time base, you could count both the 60Hz and the unknown frequency for, say, 1 second, (i.e. 60 counts for the counter on the F84), to get a rough count. (Yeah, you could use a crystal, and at 4MHz you're at 1 MIPs, but he says "relatively low frequency" here.) Should help you get ideas here. Mark Andrew wrote: > > Hey all, > I'm a new person to this PIC stuff and was wondering what the best way is > to generate a low frequency < 1 Hz. I want to create a pulse that is low > for 1 hr and hi for 10 min. Also a low for 24 hrs and high for 10 min. > Ideally I would like to use a 1 16F84 but think that won't be possible. a > code snippit would be really helpful if anybody has one. > > Another project I have in mind requires measuring a frequency and outputing > a pulse that is delayed from the input. I have an equation worked out, but > need to measure the input frequency, how do I go about doing this? Again > this is a relatively low frequency and would like to use a 16F84. > > Thanks > Andrew