Hello again, I'm in desparate need of help here. I've build the PIC programmer found on the following page: http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c888600/newpics.htm It's a "simple" serial-port programmer but I can't get it to work. I've tried downloading multiple copies and versions of the programs and the serial port drivers, using different computers, double-checked the circuit, etc... to no avail. I'm trying to program a 16C71. The machines here at the lab are running Windoze 98 (yes, I've tried DOS mode too). It "pretends" to read correctly. It also seems to try to actually program the EEPROM, but it always fails to program the fuses. This is for a school project whose deadline is getting very close. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Right now, I'm not even concerned about using this programmer specifically. If anyone has any ideas as to how to easily program a 16C74 w/o access to a REAL programmer, I'm all ears. -Vincent Deno