Davids suggestion about using a MOSFET for reverse polarity protection is the best idea by far, but an important thing to note is that the N-Chanel Enhancement MOSFET is used "upside down" compared to other circuits. That is to say, the Drain is connected to -ve, Source through the load to +ve, and gate to +ve. When the battery supply is correctly connected the MOSFET is biased ON and current flows in the forward direction of the inherent Source-Drain diode in the MOSFET. With reverse battery supply the MOSFET is OFF and the Source- Drain diode is blocking. Should work fine, but use a suitable 3V logic level MOSFET. Brent Brent Brown Electronic Design Solutions & HI-TECH Software Reseller 16 English Street Hamilton, New Zealand Toll Free: 0508 HITECH (0508 448 324) Ph/fax: +64 7 849 0069 Mobile: 025 334 069 eMail: brent.brown@clear.net.nz