-----Original Message----- From: yasser osman Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 8:37 AM Subject: help >hello, I am a new commer to PICLIST >I want to build a movig up/down counter,using led dot matrix display >(7*10 LED matrix to display two digits).controlled by pic16c84 >Many thaks > Yasser, Out of the information I get from your post you are probably also a newcomer to pic microcontrollers. Most people here are very helpful in thinking about/trying to help any questions you have. For help with a complex project like this you are more likely to get useful responses if you ask more specific questions like ...I have a problem with this or that part of the software, can anyone suggest a way to hook up the displays etc. The project you are describing is hardly a beginner project. If you are new to microcontrollers or to pic micro's you would be better off starting with a simpler project to gain the necessary experience. Peter