One is made by George Heron,n2apb , is a page with a description and asm listing you might be able to get more info by emailing him Craig - AA0ZZ did a conversion to mplab mnemonics for the 16f84 his email: Hope this helps Peter van Hoof -----Original Message----- From: Mitch To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 3:20 PM Subject: pic based dds vfo >i have seen a project for a dds vfo based on a 16c84 and a ad9850 dds >and i am trying to find more info on it( schematic and parts >list,pictures pcb layout),can anyone help? >i've try most search engines and the normal stuff came up and it seams >no one posted the actual project on the web >hope some one can help >kindest regards >mitch