Thanks. I was looking more for simulated sounds, and examples of how to generate white noise, pink noise, buzzing, chirping, sirens, etc with a small cheapo pic. Precision isn't necessary, and direct drive with a square wave is fine. I am looking for noises that are annoying to animals, but are audible and tolerable to humans... perhaps a difficult task. Craig > -----Original Message----- > From: pic microcontroller discussion list > [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Philippe > Sent: May 28, 1999 10:13 AM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: White noise generator > > > At 09:43 28/05/99 -0600, you wrote: > >Speaking of pic sound code, does anyone have code/circuitry examples > >for generating white noise, etc. > > > >I was thinking of using a 12C509 and direct driving an element from > >an I/O pin with PWM. Then varying the duty cycle register with a > >random number generator. Do I have to vary the frequency too? > > You will find a PWM Sound generato example with UMPS, a project > file called 84SNDPWM.PRJ show how it is possible to generate PWM > sound. This can also be used to translate a recorded table directly > as PWM output. UMPS will simulate that, record the waveform, resample > it at 22KHz and resend it to your sound card if you have one. It > will also create .WAV file that can be analysed after if necessary using > a WAV viewer or other WAV tools. > > Give it a try: > > Regards, > Philippe. >