I need to interface a PIC with a 16 bit microprocessor bus (16 bit writes from the PIC, hopefully, but 8 bit reads to the PIC are OK), and I'm hoping someone on the list has done something like this before and can point me in the right direction. I'll probably use the PIC16C65B. It's got that 8-bit parallel slave port (PSP), and my first naive thought was to simply put another byte of data out on, say, portB at the same time I write to the PSP, and voila, 16 bit transfers. I'm sure there's something wrong with this scheme, though, it's just too easy :-) Another worry I have is that the PSP doesn't really provide any sort of handshaking, so for instance there's no way to tell the other processor to wait while I get the data ready: it just reads when it wants to, and if the data is stale, too bad. What's the usual solution here, some sort fo FIFO or other buffer between the PIC and the bus? As is probably obvious, I haven't done much interfacing to microprocessors, please pardon my naivete. If I need to, I can fall back to 8 bit transfers, but that's such a waste of bandwith I'd hate to do it. Thanks for any thoughts, Dave Johnson