At 09:43 28/05/99 -0600, you wrote: >Speaking of pic sound code, does anyone have code/circuitry examples >for generating white noise, etc. > >I was thinking of using a 12C509 and direct driving an element from >an I/O pin with PWM. Then varying the duty cycle register with a >random number generator. Do I have to vary the frequency too? You will find a PWM Sound generato example with UMPS, a project file called 84SNDPWM.PRJ show how it is possible to generate PWM sound. This can also be used to translate a recorded table directly as PWM output. UMPS will simulate that, record the waveform, resample it at 22KHz and resend it to your sound card if you have one. It will also create .WAV file that can be analysed after if necessary using a WAV viewer or other WAV tools. Give it a try: Regards, Philippe.