Subject: [MIGUEL]PICBASIC-L picbasic-l ISD Soundcorder and pics Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 12:19:06 -0700 From: "WF AUTOMACAO - A òNICA COM KITS DIVERSIFICADOS E NACIONAIS " Reply-To: Organization: WF - KITS EDUCACIONAIS - mcs51,mcs251,mcs96,68hc11,pic17,tms370,Serial Smartcard,80c552 To: References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 Charles Linquist wrote: > > I recorded the messages in the "Push Button" mode. The length of each > message > doesn't matter. > In the Push Button mode, you push the button to start recording, and push it > again > to stop recording. I used an LED connected to the /EOM pin (as described in > the > ISD application notes) to determine if the chip was actively recording. > I pushed the button to begin recording my first message, pushed it again to > stop recording the first message, I pushed it again to begin recording of > the > second message and again to stop recording of the first message. I recorded > 12 messages in all this way. > > If I want to play back message number 6, I put "6" in the variable "MSGNO" > and > call the TALK subroutine. How did you find the 6th messagem, without play the 1st,2nd...? For play the 6th, did to change the address pin? If yes, this is easy, otherwise, it's hard... I don't know if you understood me...i record as you did... i recorded 10 messages...but, i want to know, if there is some option to go the 8 message, without play the 1,2,3...and don't change the address pin... only using the Push-Button mode...???? Thanks! Miguel