--- Nathan Bean wrote: > I'd like to get started in PIC microcontrollers. However, I don't > know > which programmer I should get. Is the PicStart Plus worth the money > or > should I get another type (or homebrewed). Also, what would you > recommend > for a good book? Easy Pic'n, maybe??? Have you considered programming PICs in Basic? Compiled Basic not interpreted Basic. I own the PicStart Plus and have written many assembly programs but once I found PicBasic, I rarely program in assembly anymore. I can crank out some complex routines in a couple hours that would take me a week or more in assembly. I'll be the first to admit I'm not as proficient a programmer as many on this but PicBasic saves me a lot of time. Its also easier to understand the program when I look at it 2 months later. The language originated with the easy to use BASIC Stamps but has since evolved to a very powerful language. The Pro version has all the features and more that any higher level compiler offers. For more info check out http://www.melabs.com I also sell starter packages at: http://www.elproducts.com === Chuck Hellebuyck Electronic Products chuck@elproducts.com *****Program PICs in BASIC Special!********* Complete 16F84 package for only $115.95 Includes: Compiler, EPIC Programmer, 16F84 PIC, Cable & Batteries http://www.elproducts.com _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com