How about - the latest version of the various free tools (my JAL, gnupic stuff etc) - designs for programmers, accompanying software - David Tait's PIC links, and most of the thinks pointed to? - already mentioned: the datasheets of various popular chips, don't forget i2c, lm75, 7805, 2803 Wouter ---------- > From: Tony Nixon > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: PicNPoke CD > Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 03:57 > > Hi all, > > I'm fairly confident that PicNPoke will be available on CD ROM soon. > > As such, there will be a ton of room spare. My software only uses about > 11M. > > It seems a shame to waste all that space, so I was wondering if anyone > out there wants to make some use of it for demos of thier own products. > It doesn't take beginners long to move on and start wanting more > productive tools to use so it may be a good place to start looking. > > Perhaps items that may be of interest to people just learning about > programming, such as tips, snippets, web sites, projects etc. I thought > I would also add things like Acrobat. > > Just an idea. > > -- > Best regards > > Tony > > PicNPoke - Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. > > > Email