"Paul B. Webster VK2BZC" wrote: > Is it a shareware version, registerable on-line after free > distribution? I can't offer PicNPoke as shareware because the limited amount of funds it is generating is paying for things like being able to offer a CD version instead of the growing amount of disks. It is already registerable on line and now that there is hardware as well, should make it easier for me to distribute. People seem to like CD's more so than disks these days. I was only hoping to use up space on the CD. If nothing ends up on it, then there's no harm done. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, it seems a little selfish to distribute other peoples ideas with a product that has a bit of commercial value, and I'm not really in a position to distribute free demonstration CD's. I think it may be best not to worry so much about the idea. Hey, maybe I'll fire up my drum kit, get the young fella PIC'n on his guitar and fill it with the PicNPoke Boogie :-) > I suppose you would be too much "small fry" for Microchip to add you > to *their* distribution and offer free disks... I was told ages ago by a rep from Microchip that PicNPoke may appear on thier CD ROM and on thier web site, but nothing has surfaced yet. Just as an aside, with the talk about what one should do with unused IO pins. The consensus seemed to be that that the TRIS register may accidently, or otherwise, change state during operation and therefore the pins should be set and left as unconnected outputs. What if the TRIS state somehow changes to an input? Floating inputs can cause a bit of havoc as well. Maybe they should be set as outputs with a high value pullup/pulldown on them as well just to be on the safe side. -- Best regards Tony PicNPoke - Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. http://www.picnpoke.com Email picnpoke@cdi.com.au