Janusz J. Mlodzianowski wrote: > I have a couple of stepper motors from an old 5.25" Motors work fine, but I do need more torque, so I am considering building new drivers (using e.g 1207). IMHO floppy drives use unipolar 4 phase driving. A scheme that uses 1/2 of eac h coil at a time. Alternating the side that is driven alternates the effective magnetic polarity of the coil. One way to almost double the low speed torque is to drive both sides of each coil simultaneously with a PIC and bipolar driver using twice the motors rated voltage because the coils are in series. The more turns of wire you drive the larger is the generated magnetic force. If you have power supply capacity to waste you can also use a resistor to ballast the coil and operate it safely at a higher voltage. This w ill increase the torque at high speed. For more on this see this URL: http://www.svskits.com/FreeInfo/Motion/Stpnote.htm For a Schematic of a 1/2 bridge bipolar driver see this URL. http://www.svskits.com/FreeInfo/Motion/Halfbrdg.htm If you are driving only one motor then a full bridge driver would allow the use of a more cost efficient power supply. Disclaimer: these are information pages provided by the company I work for. Noth ing is offered for sale on these pages . . Brian -------------------------------------------- Brian Whittaker SVSKITS.COM Voice: 510-582-6602 FAX: 510-291-2218 SVS_KITS@MSN.COM URL: http://www.svskits.com