Summary: What I feel is needed is a free code development tool somewhere between assembler and C, but with the paralellism of an HDL, the graphical abstraction of flowcharting, and the power of an RTOS integrated into the language. Full Text: I've heard quite a bit about this on the piclist lately. In one corner we have the developers using Hitech C, looks like a good development tool for someone who wants a high-level abstraction to the pic hardware, lots of library support, and pretty tightly generated code along with an integrated IDE. Pretty pricey though at $800-$1600. In the other, those using MPASM along with its decent macro capabilities to generate hand-optimized code. Cost $0. Difficult to maintain and share code, because different authors have entirely different techniques and calling conventions. Thirdly, there are other requirements beyond just wanting to write procedural code, we want to do multi-tasking, and execute very time sensitive procedures, such as software UART etc. Some of these realtime requirements are beyond the abilities of existing RTOS, simply because the heartbeat of an RTOS is the timer interrupt . . . some of these tasks _require_ timing in software, a technique considered a great evil on a general purpose computer but quite acceptable on a microcontroller. Software timing with multiple tasks is difficult to construct and especially to change/maintain. Flowcharting is a very powerful technique, I have used it many times to describe code that otherwise would of eluded me and ended up being badly written and buggy. However, flowcharting is appropriate only for procedural implementations. Note the differences between flowcharts and Algorithmic State Notation, which is relatively similar. A Hardware Description Language, while a powerful tool, is not really appropriate either because a single PIC doesn't posess the degree of parallelism that an HDL assumes. What I feel is needed is a free code development tool somewhere between assembler and C, but with paralellism of an HDL, the graphical abstraction of flowcharting, and the power of an RTOS integrated into the language. Even with microchip introducing the 18xxx series which is supposed to be "C" friendly, the 12xxx & 16xxx architecture will continue to be inexpensive and desirable for many applications. My desire is to gather a list of requirements, suggestions and volunteers from the PIC community, for the previously mentioned tool/language and develop it as a GNU style Freeware. If interested in participation, please email me at: I will soon be hosting a web page about the above tool, if there is sufficient interest.