Lame I agree. But the 17Cxxx are built so you don't really need to use that instruction of using the appropriate paradigm. Here is a low efficiency replacement: COMF FILEREG, F COMF FILEREG, F On Tue, 25 May 1999, TYR130010 wrote: > Hello all, I am a recent convert to PIC devices, and writing for 17C756. > > I have noticed one particularly irritating short coming; > you can't do an equivalent: MOVF "FILEREG",F in the 17C devices > like you can in the 16C devices to change the Z flag. > The TSTFSZ works if you want to Skip on zero, but there is no > complementary "TSTFSNZ" instructions. > The nice thing about the TSTFSZ is it affects only the Z flag, and no > other registers or flags. > > Maybe there are some old hands who have created macros that do the > job as efficiently as possible with minimal impact on, or disturbance > to any registers who wouldn't mind sharing them with everyone. > > Or if not, maybe a little game perhaps, to see who can come up with > the neatest, most useful, compact, and documented ( so everyone can - > - understand ) macro? > > I feel this would be a very useful subject for novice programmers. > While we're at it, we might as well cover some of the ground rules > for use of Macro's, such as you don't use them immediately after a > "Test and Branch" instruction for obvious reasons. > > I will venture this "glove" in the spirit of being taught my place. > You never know I just "might" learn something new ;) > > This macro started as a joke, but it does with W what the complement > of TSTFSZ WREG would do . > > ; Tests WREG without disturbing it, and only affects > Z flag. > TSTWSNZ MACRO > IORLW 00H ; Won't affect value > in W > BTFSC ALUSTA,Z ; SKIP IF W <> ZERO > ENDM > > > >