Greetings O PICsters, I'm building a device for a friend that has a bunch of external (user connected) (8 to 12bit) adc inputs (the current design uses a 16f84 and a tlc542 adc). The box will be used in a "musical" environment. The adc inputs will be (mostly) powered from the unit itself (ie resistive sensors, light sensitive transistors circuits etc.). Sensors may be connected using longish leads. As electronics isn't my strong point I'm looking for some advice on how/whether to "protect" the inputs to avoid having the adc inputs fried. At the moment I'm planning to connect simple (RC) lowpass filters at each input. Other than noise I'm not sure what other potential "issues" could arise (esd etc?), or whether I should even be worried about this in a non-industrial context. Any comments would aid my understanding considerably, Thanks, Ross. .................................