hi & thanks for your time, i'm using mplab to step through a program for a 12c508a.(using step) i get to the part of code to test for zero crossing.(code below) chcycs btfsc gpio,3 ;check for 0 goto chcycs lw btfss gpio,3 ;check for 1 goto lw when i get to chcycs it just locks into chcycs. even when i use step over it still does the same , gets locked ! how do i get past these 2 loops to keep checking the rest of the program. i've tried stimulus pins but didn't work ! i've been reading mike predkos book "programming & customising the pic microcontroller" & shows how to use dos sim. i'm having trouble with the windows simulator. any good information on how to use windows mplab. a decent tutorial would be good. thankyou for your time glen