I believe R/C servos work on a 1-2ms pulse system. i.e. depending on the length of the supplied pulse 1ms for all the way one direction 2ms for all the way the other direction etc. There are some beginning PIC books I was flipping through in Barnes&Noble that had detailed information on this. Wish I could remember the name. On Thu, 20 May 1999, David Olson wrote: > I'm wondering of someone can point me in a PWM direction. > > I've perused some of the archives and there's a lot in there on PWM and > Servo control however, either I don't get it or what I'm looking for is not > in there. Anyway, I'm looking for information on how I can control an R/C > servo to variably open and close a valve (0-90 degree range). I've got the > servos (so I don't need the driver stuff) and certainly have enough PIC's > laying around here that I should be able to cobble together a prototype. I > just seems that most of the things I'm finding are related to multiple > servos. This idea is much more simple - 1 servo driven from 1 rheostat. > > If you know someplace I can look for clues, please send them along. Been to > a bunch of robotic sites too! and no, I don't want an assembled controller. > > Thanks for your bandwidth. > > -DO >