I'd be looking at an original clock pulse only as fast as 500Hz and I'd like to multiply it by, say, 100. I've seen clock multipliers, but they state a minimum input frequency of 5MHz. A little too fast for my application. Maybe there are others but I haven't been able to find them. Could you direct me to some references or how-tos on building my own clock multiplier? Thanks, Erik Michael Shiloh wrote: > > I assume that the frequency is not fixed, in which case a simple delay > line won't help. > > What kind of range of frequencies do you expect? > > It is possible to make a clock multiplier using a device at a much higher > clock rate and then a PLL to divide as needed and sync up with the incoming > clock. Your resolution would be the ratio of the incoming clock to the > clock rate of the higher speed device. > > >Actually, I'm still trying to figure out how to multiply a clock pulse. > >If I take my clock pulse, xor it with it's 90 degree retartded friend, I > >would double my original clock. > > Clock multipliers using PLLs are used in some microprocessors to get > extra edges inside the chip for gating various stages. I don't know if > there are any single chip solutions to implementing a PLL based clock > rate multiplier, but it seems it should be possible to design one out > of available parts. > > That is all assuming the incoming clock rate is low enough. > > > > >Just can't seem to figure out how I'm going to get "more" out of > >something than what I'm putting in.