I assume that the frequency is not fixed, in which case a simple delay line won't help. What kind of range of frequencies do you expect? It is possible to make a clock multiplier using a device at a much higher clock rate and then a PLL to divide as needed and sync up with the incoming clock. Your resolution would be the ratio of the incoming clock to the clock rate of the higher speed device. >Actually, I'm still trying to figure out how to multiply a clock pulse. >If I take my clock pulse, xor it with it's 90 degree retartded friend, I >would double my original clock. Clock multipliers using PLLs are used in some microprocessors to get extra edges inside the chip for gating various stages. I don't know if there are any single chip solutions to implementing a PLL based clock rate multiplier, but it seems it should be possible to design one out of available parts. That is all assuming the incoming clock rate is low enough. > >Just can't seem to figure out how I'm going to get "more" out of >something than what I'm putting in.