I'd had a series of problems with mplab simulator only with pic 16c505.(MPLAB V4.00.14)
If I configure pins 2,3 and 4 with GP5,GP4 and GP3(GP3 only input in16c505) respectively, the asynchronous stimulus configured as toggle not respond(except GP3 respond only us MCLR, not as GP3). The same happen with clock stimulus.
This is my config:
 list      p=16c505            ; list directive to define processor
 #include <p16c505.inc>        ; processor specific variable definitions
  movlw b'01110101'
 movlw b'00111100'
 movlw b'00100111' 
What's wrong?
Can anybody try duplicated this problem in  mplab simulator?
Roberto Guimaraes
e-mail   rodelta@wnet.com.br