> > What companies make counter/timers these days? The only ones I saw in a > cursory net search were various versions of the venerable 8254, but > they're all big and power hungry. I'm hoping for something in a tiny, > low-power package, like TSOP and micro-amps. Maybe too much to hope for... > > I need to measure a time interval that could range from tens of > micro-seconds to perhaps a tenth of a second. A counter/timer seems the > obvious way to approach this to my newbie mind, but any other suggestions > are welcome. Actually this is right on topic. Use a PIC12C508, or a PIC16C505 if you need a bigger package. Cost is right around a buck, and a 8 pin microamp package with included oscillator simply can't be beat. Program the part to have a timer interrupt over some small interval, and update the counter(s) as long as they meet the specified criteria. In theory you could build up to 4 24/32 bit counters with a single 8 pin part. Use a simple 2 pin I2C type interface to program and read the results. It may be better to drop one counter and use the extra pin as an interrupt indicating that one of the timer's count/period is over. The 4 Mhz clock speed gives you 1 uS resolution on your timer. Hope this helps, BAJ