Hi everyone I want to use a PIC or even a stamp to manipulate fuel injector pulses, mainly reduce the pulse width. I really don't want to utilize individual injector drivers (for sequential injection systems) that will complicate the project. As you are probably aware sequential systems usually use an individual driver for each injector. One side of all the injector has a common 12v source to all injectors and the individual drivers (sink) control the ground. I was wondering if it is possible to modulate the 12v power line which is common to all injectors. For example say the PIC measures the previous injector pulse at 5 msec and I want the injector to pulse 2.5 msec on its next fire. Could I allow the injector to fire normally and cut the power at 2.5 msec (to shut off the injector) and turn power on again in time for the next injector firing? I am not sure what effect the rise and fall times of the power supply will have on injector firing or operation. If this is possible, I would just need one power control circuit to trim 4-8 injectors. I could easily use a PIC to measure the pulse, allow the initial injector firing to happen on schedule and trim each injector by controlling the power source which is common to each injector. What do you think? Any comments or suggestions for hardware that could accomplish this? Thanks in advance Jon