Hi there,
i have a serious problem with the built in i2c
module in slave mode.
due to a pre-assembled master unit (basic-tiger)
with its own OS, a read from the i2c bus
is only possible by sending
a "command byte" before the read begins. this is done by
repeated start condition.
my master (not a PIC) sends the addressbyte
(with r/w set) to the pic which ack´s the byte,
then it sends one single byte (pic ack´s).
then the master sends a repeated start condition
followed by the address (r/w clear) which
the PIC NOT ACK !!!
then the master aborts the
transfer according to philips specifications (sends a stop
i keep the BF and SSPOV flags as clear as i
whats the problem?
or -- does anyone have a piece of code that
supports the i2c slave module in the PIC 16c62 ?
thanks forward