I recently picked up a number of 2N5192's surplus and would like to use them to construct an H Bridge motor controller (controlled from a PIC of course). The motor I will be driving will draw around 1.5A. My power supply is a 12v 5A battery. The problem (if I read the datasheet correctly) is that the "Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage" of the 5192 is specified as Ic=1.5Adc, Ib=0.15Adc. As I understand this, for my Collector-Emitter current to be the 1.5amps I need to drive the motor, I need to drive the Base with 150mA. Is this correct? So my thought was to add another transistor between the PIC and the 2N5192's to amplify the signal from the 20mA the PIC can source to the 150mA needed for the 2N5192. Seem reasonable? Are there any other options for doing this using the 5192's? I would hate to have to use 8 transisitors per motor H-bridge. I'm not emotionally attached to the 5192's, so if there is another option that is easier, let me know. I do recall a discussion a few months ago about logic level MOSFETs (IIRC). If these would be easier, let me know a part number and I will pursue that angle instead. Sorry for the basic electronics questions, but I am a programmer by training and electronics are a hobby I have picked up along the way. Thanks, Adam Adam Bryant (age 0x23) abryant@peaktech.com (work) adamdb@juno.com (home) Parker, CO, USA Robotics, RC Airplanes, anything using a PIC ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]